Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thieves Saved the Day/Week!

I have had TWO near misses and give TOTAL credit to Thieves Oil. Two of my dearest friends have had Strep moving thru their house. I pick up EVERYTHING being on Humira. 1st time: Lunch with 2 friends and one I knew had strep in her house. I doused myself in Thieves Oil before meeting her, used the Thieves Hand Sanitizer and Thieves Soap after being with her. I left germ-free. Our other friend got strep 2 days later....
2nd time: Was at #2 dear friend's house. Within a day my throat started to tickle, so I popped a Thieves cough drop and have religiously been taking a few drops of Thieves Oil by mouth every night AND diffusing Thieves Oil in our bedroom. Said dear friend and her son have Strep Throat the last week of school. All I have is a tickle and its going away. If you invest in nothing else, I HIGHLY recommend you invest in the entire line of Thieves Products. THEY WORK!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Progessence Plus

An anonymous person  purchased the Progessence Plus Serum (natural hormone balancing made from yams...yes YAMS!) out of desperation. This anonymous person is a tough critic and highly opinionated. I knew if she had a good report, I could breathe a sigh of relief. First application, she wasn't a fan. Night sweats were worse, and she let me know it. (this tells me its working!) After almost a week of using it, she is singing its praises. Six lost pounds, no more hormonal blemishes, no night sweats and sleeping thru the night. Love helping her, but leaves me praising God! He thought of EVERYTHING when creating earth. Whooda thunk that Yams could help SO much with hormone balancing....natural vs synthetic hormones. I'll take natural any day!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Mother Ate Her Lip

My mother ate her lip. And I know she loves this being put on Facebook, too. She went to the dentist yesterday and came home with a numb mouth. For some reason she decided to eat breakfast and before she knew it, it was bad news. She said the inside of her mouth looked like ground beef. She just received her Essential Oils and said, "Peh-nny! Whut can ah do? Tell me whut to put on my mouth!" (must imagine her small town TX accent) Since it was still numb, I told her to put Thieves to kill any bacteria and to use a Q-tip to put Frankincense and Lavender on 2-3 times a day.

This morning (less than 24 hours post lip eating) she called, "You will NAWT believe this. Mah lip is heal-ed! And I never felt any pain. WHUT do they put in those oils, Peh-nny?"

I am not surprised and nothing brings me greater joy! Mom was the one that said, "These are GREAT for you b.c you are sick. I really don't need them." Gratefully she received hers on Saturday b.c you just never know when you might try to eat your lip! 

Monday, May 19, 2014

My "Why"

I have had a twenty year battle with my health that started when I was in college and progressively got worse resulting in multiple abdominal surgeries, loads of pain, tears & worry. A few years ago I started a blog, MyIntestine-mony ( when I felt the Lord’s leading to share my story. I was fighting tooth and nail against my doctors and their seemingly “rote” treatment of Crohn’s and any auto-immune disease….steroids, painkillers, immune-suppressants and more pain killers. I started to advocate for my own health when their methods weren’t working for me. On their path, I WOULD be in the wheelchair they predetermined for me and I would NOT be the mom I am today to my 3 beautiful boys. I learned about changing my diet to heal my body and was turned on to the natural world of healing. Coming from a girl who was trained in the medical model, this was a BIG step. HUGE.

But after only 3 days of eliminating sugar from my diet, my entire life changed. The joint pain, the stomach pains (of all kinds), the brain fog, food intolerances, the allergies, the bloating, the skin irritations….everything in my body fell silent. I was a changed girl. Natural healing worked for me with additional time and I had the power to heal myself without painkillers with objective measurements to prove it. My next lab results stupefied my doctors. There was something to this!

I am not perfect. I still love sugar and because of that, I go back and forth in how I feel based on my diet. But I am armed with knowledge. My experience is that doctors don’t tell their patients how to heal their bodies naturally. Many doctors don’t know themselves. Along my natural path to healing I discovered Essential Oils
when a friend suggested I use Thieves Oil for a clogged salivary gland. After weeks of my dentist’s remedies and a future of lancing it, I was game! Within 3 days it was healed. Gone. Never returned.

Essential oils aren’t new. In fact, they are as old as the hills! They were gifts to Jesus when He was born…..surely THAT shows how valuable they were. People have used oils thru out history. In fact, many of the essential oils are IN our products today. They are just so diluted with mineral oil and water to “puff” them
up in order to make more money for their creators. There really is no argument that essential oils work. By using Essential Oils alone, you are getting the purest form of healing from plants that God provided for us for that very reason.

…and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12

I never intended to be selling Essential Oils. I refer to it as my unintended plan, as it seems it might have been God’s plan. The more healing I have experienced, the more I have shared. When I share, more people come forward with their needs for healing. I am NOT alone in my fight for my health. Our bodies are overloaded with
toxins from our foods: preservatives, pesticides, fertilizers and our personal care products: shampoos, toothpaste (label says to consult poison control of swallowed!), lotions, etc. All those toxins are too much for our livers and they are stored in fat cells when there are too many toxins for our body to handle. Sixty percent
of our brain is fat. Hmmmm…..I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to practice medicine, but I wonder if that has anything to do with the sudden onset of Alzheimers and depression and neurological disorders in our population? Among so many other symptoms that we all have on a regular basis…migraines, Fibromyalgia,
numerous GI disorders, Auto-Immune Diseases and so many more.

I am an Occupational Therapist turned Mom turned Stationery Company Owner and Fighter for Good Health. I didn’t wish myself into bad health, but I prayed myself into healing. For years I have wondered just how God was going to answer the many prayers going up for me from so many precious people who loved me and my family. I think He has given me the knowledge and the power by using HIS gifts of natural healing on this Earth. I have the tools and the knowledge. It is just a matter of time and patience. Praise the Lord!

I share Essential Oils from the bottom of my heart. The pain I have endured is indescribable and nothing I would wish on any human being. I want to share my story of healing with anyone who will listen and anyone who needs to hear it. I know there is a place for medication. But for me and for my family, we prefer a natural
remedy to be our first line of defense. And MAN, are they great defenses. We have learned this over and over again.

Please feel free to use this information to pass on to friends
and share with those who need to hear it. The greatest thing about Essential Oils is that there is only upside. There are no side-effects. There are no gimmicks. There is simply healing. Testimony after testimony proves it.


Depression is VERY real. And it breaks my heart to hear anyone who is suffering thru it, let alone a child. A customer recently told me that her teenage child has been struggling for months with depression and is suicidal. My heart breaks with this mother as we all want our children to know the beautiful child of God that they really are! Being a teen is HARD work! She ordered the oils and sent me a note that said she had been diffusing JOY in her child's room and rubbing Valor on her child daily. She said, "I don't know if its the JOY, but these have been the best two weeks we have had in MONTHS!" One more testimonial that brings me to tears. Such a privilege and VERY humbling to be a small part in helping people thru healing of their own and in their families. And I am most impressed with the relative speed of such....just a few days to a week to notice a difference. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ADD and Valor Essential Oil

LOVE this story from a customer: We put my child on Concerta right after spring break and didn't think it was working. We went up a dose about 2 weeks ago. {My Child} is more confident which has improved a whole host of issues like attitude and class participation. However, no real grade improvement. I kid you not, {my child} walked in yesterday with mostly all 100's and a couple of b grades. {My Child} made a 101 on {my child's} spelling test that we did not study for. {My Child's} average grade is about a 75. Today, same thing. Have been using Valor every morning. {My child's} folder has never looked like this. I even checked to make sure they were {my child's} papers! Love these stories as I know there is as much relief to Momma's heart as there is to the child's....Praise!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Valor Oil Miracles!

I mentioned on Facebook once before that Valor Oil was helping my son focus at school.  I put a little on a tissue and had him stick it in his pocket on test day.  Unbeknownst to me, he kept it and continued to use it.  One day he hopped in the car after school and said, "100!  102! 104! 100"  I was so excited, as he is a GOOD student, but has been struggling with reading because of his inability to remember what he read.  He said, "Mom!  I sniffed that stuff and it WORKS!"  I was elated.

Through what I have read, Valor seems to be the go-to oil for most neurological anything.  I call it Brain Oil.  I write this thru tears as I tell you the update I received this morning.  A very dear friend of mine called me a few weeks ago when she read the above post on FB.  Her sweet son had started getting Tics.  He was an otherwise healthy child and one day they just appeared.  She was a wreck.  I committed to find out what to get for him ASAP.  I read and googled and researched my heart out and we came up with a few options and combinations, but Valor was the common denominator.  So she ordered it.

You know....I don't want to say I am a skeptic at all.  I can see tangible results with oils and mosquito bites or oils and stopping cough or sniffles.  When it comes to the complicated brain, I just can't SEE it so it's hard to know.  When my son said Valor worked for his tests, I believed him and half thought it was the placebo effect.  If I ever had a question, I am a believer now.

My sweet friend and I talked several times about how to apply, where to apply and how often to apply.  After the first couple days I checked in and she was a mess.  He had been to the chiropractor, she had put the valor on and his tics were worse than ever....more frequent than before the oil.  I told her stick with it, as it takes 90 days for our cells to completely turn over.  I explained that its like losing weight.  You don't lose 10 pounds in a day.  It takes time.  And, of course, I joined her in praying for her precious little boy.

Today, I checked on her and texted her.  She told me a HUGE praise that he had made it 6 days without a tic.  That was huge!  I was texting her and crying and saying, "Praise the LORD!"  I was so upset for her and for her sweet son when she first told me what he was going thru.  To be a part of the healing process was scary.  Admittedly, I wanted DESPERATELY to help her, but having no experience with tics before, it was a leap of faith! I am a big fan of sharing these oils and how they have worked for me, but  I reserve praise for oils when I haven't experienced the healing effects myself.  I want to be a true testimony to what they are and what they can do.

Having been a VERY small part of directing my dear friend to the healing powers of the plants that GOD gave us is so overwhelming for me.  I am promoting these oils because I have witnessed first hand how they helped me.  I was not necessarily looking for a job of selling them.  I own a stationery business for heavens sake.  I am busy! :)  But I feel led to share what I have learned in order to help others heal themselves naturally.

I am certain the specialists had all sorts of brain-altering medications in store for that sweet boy.  Meds with major side effects that I would never wish on a child.  PRAISE THE LORD for the healing he has achieved and continued prayers for continued healing and relief to mom and dad.  What a glorious day!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Probiotics, Probiotics, Probiotics

I have always heard probiotics are good for you.  I have the opinion that they are absolutely NECESSARY for you.  I have my kids on them, my husband and myself.  And...if you ever absolutely HAVE to take antibiotics, you should definitely be on them during the course of treatment and twice the length of time you were on antibiotics.  That is, of course, unless you are smart and take them daily.
When you take antibiotics, you are killing all the bad bacteria in the gut.  This is good. are also killing all the good bacteria in the gut, as well.  That is B-A-D bad.  When the good bacteria is gone, it allows for multiple things, including Candida Yeast to overgrow.  When Candida Yeast, which is naturally occurring in our bodies, turns into an overgrowth situation, your body will start to fall apart.  I don't have references right now, but when I was researching it years ago, I read that they think that 85% of the population has Candida Overgrowth.  It causes every symptom in the book:  stomach pain, cramping, swelling, weight gain, migraines, foggy brain, itching, yeast infections, food sensitivities, skin issues, joint pain....I kid you not.  EVERYTHING.  I know this because when I went on the Candida Diet, I had all of those symptoms and more that disappeared when I killed off the yeast.  We are raising kids on antibiotics.  It only makes sense that all the good bacteria is gone!

Probiotics help to keep the good bacteria in the gut.  All probiotics don't work.  I ask every doctor and health professional their opinions.  All doctors will tell you to get the ones in the grocery store that have had studies to prove they work.  A naturopath or someone else will tell you a little more.  

1-ALWAYS get a probiotic that is found in the refrigerated section.  Probiotics are live cultures and keeping them cool keeps them alive for longer.

2-ALWAYS get a probiotic that has the most billions of cultures in them.

3-ALWAYS get a probiotic that has the most variety of cultures in them.

Understanding all of that, I have lots of people ask me what I use.  I have found that I really like the GARDEN OF LIFE brand of probiotics.  I have found them at our local grocery store, HEB and at any nutrition store.  Take note that it has 100 Billion CFUs....I take as much as I can get.  Most are around 20 Billion.  And there is a list of all the different cultures included.  When I take this supplement I feel a difference.  If I have had to take antibiotics, what would usually cause severe stomach pain and issues, never happens when I am on my daily probiotics.  They also have a great one for KIDS.

Supplement Facts
Service Size: 1 capsule
Servings Per Container: 30
IngredientAmount% Daily Value**
Replenish Blend - 100 Billion CFU
-ISS Bif Bifidobacterium lactis (SD-5219), Lactobacillus acidophilus (SD-5221),
-Lactobacillus paracasei (SD-5218), Bifidobacterium lactis (SD-5220),
-RAW Whole Food Probiotic Blend: Bulgarian Yogurt (milk) Concentrate,
-Eastern European Wild Kefir Culture containing Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum,
-Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei,
-Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens,
-Lactobacillus kefirgranum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactococcus lactis, Lacoccus cremoris,
-Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus kefir, Lactobacillus parakefir, Lactobacillus plantarum,
-Lactococcus lactis biovar diacetylactis, Leuconostoc lactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides,
-Leuconostoc cremoris, Leuconostoc dextranicum, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Brettanomyces anomalus,
-Debaryomyces hansenii, Saccharomyces unisporus, Saccharomyces turicensis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
-Saccharomyces exigus, Torulaspora delbrueckii
Protein-Digesting Enzyme Blend50mg
-Protease, Acid Protease, Protease S
Eastern European RAW Fruit and Veggie Blend45mg
-Red Bell Pepper (Fruit), Green Pea (Seed), Carrot (Root), Plum (Fruit), Cherry (Fruit),
-Strawberry (Fruit), Raspberry (Fruit)
Hope this helps!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thieves Oral Care Update

Returned to dentist today s/p 3 months of using Thieves Oil as a swish each night. She said that my teeth were so slippery it was like they were cleaned yesterday. (i.e. no Biofilm for those who know what that is) When she looked in my mouth she said there was nothing to clean. She brushed and flossed and asked where she could buy what I was using 

Sadness, Hopelessness, Anger, Strength, Wisdom, Power

I don't know the exact cycle of processing emotions, but this comes close to the feelings I have felt thru my health battle.  When I was younger, I was knowledgeable of how I felt, but not knowledgeable of my disease completely.  Having a medical background, I could definitely communicate effectively with my GI doctor, whom I loved.  Back then, I trusted my doctors to provide the proper medication and medication was the only way in my mind to treat myself.  I had never been exposed to the thoughts that diet could change how you feel nor did I ever believe "natural healing" would touch my problems.  I was sick, really sick.  I never thought drugs would hurt me. I needed bigger guns....or so I thought.

When I started my health struggle, while I was never ultra-private about my health, it was easy to live with in the beginning and when I suffered was as night, so no one knew.  I was thrust into the spotlight with lots of love and attention when I had my first emergency surgery.  The world knew I was sick if they hadn't before.  I was only 25 and worked in the hospital where I had my surgery.  So then everyone I worked with and around knew I was sick, too.  I was in a teaching hospital, so the med students (who were my age and friends) used me as a case study and I became very comfortable talking about the uncomfortable subject of my bowels with anyone who asked.  Great conversation, I tell you.

Fast forward to being married with kids, we moved to The Woodlands.  I started getting sick again, and my few friends knew or figured out when I had bad days.  Then, the emergencies happened and everyone knew again.  Again, I don't mind talking about my health, especially if I can help someone... anyone!  I had a lot of sadness and definitely hopelessness as a young mother who couldn't keep up with her mothering duties at times.  Then I was just mad.  Mad as I figured out that my doctors didn't know it all.  They were beginning to feel hopeless with me as well, and started to throw painkillers at me with ease.  They wanted to cover the pain instead of helping me get rid of it.

I have said all along that I believe my Crohn's started when I was in high school.  I was on Tetracycline, prescribed by my dermatologist as a prophylactic drug for my skin.  Sometimes I took it, sometimes I didn't.  It never occurred to me that something a doctor gave me could really affect me long term.  Shortly after that, I had my first yeast infection, I got puffy and my first stomach pain occurred.  In hindsight, it was the imbalance of good vs bad bacteria.  The antibiotics had killed the good and allowed the yeast that is naturally occurring in our bodies to take over.  At that time I had never heard of Probiotics or Candida Yeast.  I didn't even have the internet at my disposal.  I did everything my doctors told me.  I took more antibiotics believing it was making me better, when it was really making me worse.

I fully believe that that was the beginning of my downfall and that my Crohns Disease stemmed from the Tetracycline.  I have said it all along, but no one listened.  It's hereditary, its from cows, its bad luck....I have heard every reason.  NOW, they think that treating Crohn's Disease is not necessarily about suppressing the immune system (with Humira and the likes) but about adding good bacteria to the gut.  I had surgeries that could have been prevented if I knew that sugar caused inflammation and that probiotics help the gut.  Now, because of surgeries I had, my body doesn't absorb iron properly and I have additional problems that require iron infusions.  I also now take Humira (begrudgingly) and it is causing gum issues, infections that won't heal, decreased stamina when I exercise, fatigue...and major frustration.

After the anger I draw on my strength in my faith.  With that strength and enduring years of pain there is wisdom.  And there is power in sharing my story.  God has turned every last painful crumb into lemonade for us as a family.  I, unfortunately, have had a very outward struggle with my health that I have learned to talk about more and more.  I learned to be more vocal when I discovered that there are a LOT of hurting people out there.  My friends.  Their families.  We all have a battle going on.  I am amazed that truly everyone has something.  I am NOT alone in this fight to regain my health.  I had to be dragged thru the gutter to be desperate enough to try new and unaccepted methods of healing.  I became an advocate for myself and while I totally respect my doctors and their opinions, I have formed opinions of my own from knowing my body best.

And I will continue to share my story as long as God will let me.  As long as there is someone to help, I am here to share what I have learned along this LONG road to recovery.   That said, I do still rejoice in the thought that my body will be made WHOLE again when I get to Heaven.  No pain, no doctors making wonky faces when they see my X-rays, no more people telling me how sick I am.  I will be healed.  Heavenly healing.  What in the world could be better than that?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Year of No Sugar {Re-Posted}

Our Year of No Sugar: One Family’s Grand Adventure

Published Apr 1, 2014
Eve Schaub photo credit Stephen SchaubBy Eve O. Schaub, Special to Everyday Health
Once upon a time, I was healthy; at least I thought I was.
Sure, I lacked enough energy to get me through the day, but with all the commercials on TV touting energy drinks for America’s tired masses, I always assumed I wasn’t the only one suffering. And sure, everyone in my family dreaded the coming cold and flu season, but again, I thought come January everyone develops some degree of germophobia.
At least, that’s what I thought until I heard some disturbing new information about the effects of sugar. According to several experts, sugar is the thing that is making so many Americans fat and sick. The more I thought about it the more this made sense to me — a lot of sense. One in seven Americans has metabolic syndrome. One in three Americans is obese. The rate of diabetes is skyrocketing and cardiovascular disease is America’s number one killer.
According to this theory, all of these maladies and more can be traced back to one large toxic presence in our diet… sugar.

A Bright Idea

I took all of this newfound knowledge and formulated an idea. I wanted to see how hard it would be to have our family — me, my husband, and our two children (ages 6 and 11) — spend an entire year eating foods that contained no added sugar. We’d cut out anything with an added sweetener, be it table sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, agave or fruit juice. We also excluded anything made with fake sugar or sugar alcohols. Unless the sweetness was attached to its original source (e.g., a piece of fruit), we didn’t eat it.
Once we started looking we found sugar in the most amazing places: tortillas, sausages, chicken broth, salad dressing, cold cuts, crackers, mayonnaise, bacon, bread, and even baby food. Why add all of this sugar? To make these items more palatable, add shelf life, and make packaged food production ever cheaper.
Call me crazy, but avoiding added sugar for a year struck me as a grand adventure. I was curious as to what would happen. I wanted to know how hard it would be, what interesting things could happen, how my cooking and shopping would change. After continuing my research, I was convinced removing sugar would make us all healthier. What I didn’t expect was how not eating sugar would make me feel better in a very real and tangible way.

A Sugar-Free Year Later

It was subtle, but noticeable; the longer I went on eating without added sugar, the better and more energetic I felt. If I doubted the connection, something happened next which would prove it to me: my husband’s birthday.Capture11
During our year of no sugar, one of the rules was that, as a family, we could have one actual sugar-containing dessert per month; if it was your birthday, you got to choose the dessert. By the time September rolled around we noticed our palates starting to change, and slowly, we began enjoying our monthly “treat” less and less.
But when we ate the decadent multi-layered banana cream pie my husband had requested for his birthday celebration, I knew something new was happening. Not only did I not enjoy my slice of pie, I couldn’t even finish it. It tasted sickly sweet to my now sensitive palate. It actually made my teeth hurt. My head began to pound and my heart began to race; I felt awful.
It took a good hour lying on the couch holding my head before I began to recover. “Geez,” I thought, “has sugar always made me feel bad, but because it was everywhere, I just never noticed it before?”
After our year of no sugar ended, I went back and counted the absences my kids had in school and compared them to those of previous years. The difference was dramatic. My older daughter, Greta, went from missing 15 days the year before to missing only two.
Now that our year of no sugar is over, we’ll occasionally indulge, but the way we eat it is very different. We appreciate sugar in drastically smaller amounts, avoid it in everyday foods (that it shouldn’t be in in the first place), and save dessert for truly special occasions. My body seems to be thanking me for it. I don’t worry about running out of energy. And when flu season comes around I somehow no longer feel the urge to go and hide with my children under the bed. But if we  do come down with something, our bodies are better equipped to fight it. We get sick less and get well faster. Much to my surprise, after our no-sugar life, we all feel healthier and stronger. And that is nothing to sneeze at.

Eve O. Schaub is the author of Year of No Sugar: A Memoir. She holds a BA and a BFA from Cornell University, and a MFA from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Her personal essays have been featured many times on the Albany, New York, NPR station WAMC. You can join Schaub’s family and take your own Day of No Sugar Challenge on April 9, 2014.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Toxins Go to our Brains!

With all the known toxins and preservatives in our foods, our livers are already working overtime.  Then, add shampoos and lotions and TOOTHPASTE (look on your toothpaste tube and note that if you ingest it, you should call poison control!) that are full of more chemicals like engine de-greaser and the likes.  Guess what happens to the toxins your liver can't process?  They are stored in fat.  Guess how much of your brain is fat?  60%.  SIXTY percent of your brain is fat with loads of toxins in them.  Alzheimers maybe?  ADD? Depression?  I am no doctor nor do I claim to know much, but that seems like simple math to me.  Our society is upside down with all sorts of neurological disorders in our adults AND kids alike.  It just seems possible that this "Sudden increase" in our generation of Alzheimers and Depression and ADD and......might be related to all the crap our bodies have to withstand these days.  Just a thought!

When I had my first Detox that made me want to start this blog, I had a very strange moment.  My detox was so severe that we called it my exorcism.  I say that sort of in fun, but it was really violent.  All I did was stop eating sugar and ONLY eat lean protein and veggies in the strictest of forms. By Day 3, I started getting nauseous and sick and I didn't leave the bathroom for all the vomiting for 3 more days.  I was detoxing from sugar like an alcoholic detoxes from alcohol.  The yeast took over my body and being a living organism it revolted when I wasn't feeding it sugar.  This was all so new to me and my body was so brutally worn out and tired from all the heaving and crying and misery.  I remember hanging over the toilet thinking, "I can eat sugar right now and feel better for a moment.  But live with all my other pain forever  OR I can stick with this and HOPEFULLY be better on the other side forever."  Gratefully, I stuck with it, NOT on my own, but by tons of encouragement from my husband and my family.  I still battle the Candida, but I don't think it will ever be as brutal as that first time.

By day 5 or 6 I started perking up a little and was definitely over the hill.  Then, somewhere around day 9 or 10 I was sitting at my desk working.  I felt something in my head flutter and I looked up at the wall.  There are really no words to fully describe the feeling I felt, but I can only explain it like the Claritin commercial where the lady's life goes from foggy to clear.  From the bottom of my stomach and slowly moving up to my neck and thru my face and into my head, my brain slowly cleared.  In that 60 seconds or so, I all of a sudden was able to think straight.  My mom told me on several occasions that I wasn't thinking properly, I couldn't make decisions and something was wrong with my brain.  She said it in fun, but kind of seriously.  I agreed, but I had 3 young kids and wrote it up to sleep deprivation.  That moment was a defining moment for me.  I was clear as a bell!  I felt amazing....and I didn't know that I had anything truly wrong with my brain before :)

I quickly Googled Candida and Yeast and all the kagillion symptoms and discovered that Brain Fog is a symptom of Candida!  I realize that is such a subjective symptom and my description lacks eloquence, but Brain Fog I had and I had it because of all the YUCK in my body.  The YUCK of two major abdominal surgeries with antibiotics and sedation and big time drugs and YUCK in my foods and YUCK in my body products.

I am definitely a work in progress.  I still make lots of mistakes and I still LOVE sugar.  But I have made drastic changes in my life to avoid certain foods, lots of boxed/preservative-y foods and I am adding natural healing to my life.  I was already using things like coconut oil and honey products for my kids.  Now the Essential Oils and I feel golden.  It's so empowering to feel like I can help myself and I can do it without causing a bunch of nasty side effects.

One step at a time.  I am getting there!  Love this reference I found online:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Why Does it Surprise Us?

I am just like you and all the other virgin oil users out there.   My first experience with Essential Oils was when Thieves Oil cured the "incurable" issue with my gums last year.  I was SO amazed that this little bottle of oil could be so powerful with such amazing results.  I called it my "Miracle Cure!" After all...had I not cured my gums of the bleeding, I would be facing more pain and bone deterioration and all the issues that come with gum disease.  The irony is that that entire issue was caused by the DRUGS that I am taking to suppress my immune system for Crohn's Disease.  Don't get me started there....a post for another day.

Then, my friend loaned me her Oregano Oil to put on my son's chest for his unceasing nighttime cough of three weeks.  When I say instant....I mean instant relief for my coughing son and sleep for the rest of us.  I was SOLD.  Count. Me. In. and HOW do I get more?

I signed up to buy the oils for just myself with no further intentions of selling them.  Within a few months of using them on a daily basis and then starting with the skin care items, I couldn't keep my excitement in.  This stuff WORKS!  I wanted to share all that I had learned.  My friends that I LOVE need this stuff.  I don't EVER want anyone to go thru what I have endured.  That said, WHY are we so impressed?

The use of oils is documented and well known way back in Bible times....Jesus received oils at his birth, Esther bathed in oils for days.  If they worked so well then, why did we get so distracted by medication?  We certainly are a society that likes to pop a pill and be well quick.  The funny part about our drugs, our skin care products, our shampoos....MANY of these oils are in the products.  They are just so diluted by mineral oil and water and anything to FLUFF it up to be able to sell more for less.  There's no question that essential oils work.  It should be no surprise.  After all, God gave Adam and Eve a garden....not a Walgreen's.

Ezekial 47:12 ...and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.

My thinking has been and is in the process of being reprogrammed to not pop a pill or grab that bug repellent or sunscreen.  We should not trust all that is in our products.  Sad....but so very true.  I found this on Pinterest and love it.  The names we get in our ingredients are so long and confusing.  This can help you look at your ingredients to see what products you have with harmful ingredients.  I am guessing quite a few....

If you have any questions, let me know!  You can peruse the oils on my website.  Here's to getting in better health and CHANGING how we think!