Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful for My Blessings

Lately, Babe and I have been particularly aware of the blessings in our life.  We always are, but I think when health or finances or anything BIG threatens a pretty normal life, as humans, we all begin to pay attention when things are going well.  We know first hand that those things can be stripped away over-night.  I have become SO grateful for simply a day without pain.  Imagine that! Be grateful if you are not in pain today! Today, I was at Wal-Mart and saw a middle-aged man in a wheelchair and thought how lucky I was to be walking.  I watched the news story about the young girl who walked into a plane prop and I am so grateful to have my arm and sight from both eyes.  Despite all the pain, I still have something that someone else might desperately want:  a family, children, a house, a car, food, two legs, two eyes, I might even say good health.  After all, my heart and lungs work, I appear to have a normal and active life to those who don't know me.  I have so much to be thankful for.  If you are reading this, then so do you!  Be thankful!

With that said, I really want this blog to be real and not sugar-coated.  I am good at making people think I am OK...really good, as I have been doing it for 20 years.  I don't like people fretting over or worrying about me.  I am strong, but I also try to be stronger than I am.  And, I am learning from many of my dear friends to let them help me.  To let people know when I hurt, to let friends take my children for a few hours, to let people help.  Hardest for me is letting my husband know I am in pain.  It's so very hard to accept that I need help, but I am learning.  Funny, because a friend asked me just yesterday if she could make us dinner.  So sweet, indeed, but can you imagine her trying to figure out what to cook for a family that isn't eating sugar, bread, flour, caffeine, fruit, pasta...?

I just think today is a day to be thankful.  I am SO grateful that I woke up this morning and it is noon and I have not had pain today. I started out well yesterday, but ended poorly.  TODAY is going to end well.  

I AM going to beat this thing.  I AM going to have my body back and I AM thankful that I have an option to do so without putting my body at risk for other illnesses.  I am so thankful for the knowledge I have gained in the past few years and for the people God has certainly placed in my life to teach me how to eat in order to heal my body. 

AMEN! :) 

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