Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Maximized Living

I am following a diet with absolutely no sugar and sugar slows healing by requiring more energy to break it down.  Refined sugar is bad.  In my case, the pain it causes, I often think it is truly from the Devil.  We can live life without sugar! And this is coming from a sugar-aholic.  I have learned to sweeten with 100% Maple Syrup, Sucanat, honey...there are many God-given and unrefined options that actually provide more flavor when you cook.  The problem with our society is that white sugar, refined sugar, is cheaper and easier to make in bulk.  Any nutritive value is completely stripped in the processing.  Cheap and easy...sugar is purely a slut.  That is the only reason so many things are loaded with refined sugar...the ease and the price. Richer flavors and healthier options are out there!

I am, was, and probably always will be a picky eater.  The first time I did this diet, there was a fasting phase, where I existed for three days on lemonade made of water, fresh lemon juice and....maple syrup!  I thought, "No way! That's so gross!"  I tried it and you wouldn't believe it, but I couldn't taste a drop of maple.  It was purely a sweetener AND it doesn't spike your blood sugar.  Interesting, huh?

I wanted to explain my love of Maximized Living products. The reason I have referred several Maximized Living products is because they are made WITHOUT sugar.  Try finding a protein powder ANYWHERE that doesn't have sugar or fructose of some form in its ingredients.  The protein powder at Maximized Living is made not only with Stevia, a natural plant sweetener, it is made with by-products of grass-fed animals.  I will hit on that soon.  Grass-fed is VITAL.  I have just come to learn this in the last few years, but this means that the products are made from cows that ate their natural food and they weren't given antibiotics and hormones to prevent diseases and plump them up. And thus...when you consume these products, you will not be consuming antibiotics and hormones in the process! Yeah!

I know it's brief...but the proof is in the ingredients!

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