Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Transfusion Day(s)

October 10, 2010

After we got the boys to school Friday morning, Babe and I headed to the hospital to get my much needed 2 pints of fresh blood.  Gratefully, Babe's parents were still here and we left WHS in good hands for what we thought would be a few hours.  The hospitalist had told us, "Just call this number when you get here and we will admit you on an out-patient basis to receive your blood."  Boy, do doctor's not know what it really takes to get admitted.  Hours, my friends.  No one knew I was coming, my orders were only partial and the "admitting" doctor was not my doctor at all.  He was a hospitalist and no one could find him. While the search for this doctor begun, my stomach started hurting again, out of the blue.  The same pain that took me to the ER just a few days earlier.  Gradually, over the couple hours of waiting to be admitted, it got worse.  By the time I was admitted and taken to the out-patient infusion center, I was near tears because the pain was so great.
The nurses looked at me and said they couldn't give me blood if I was in pain, they called the ever-fleeting hospitalist and admitted me, once again.  More tears.  I am not afraid of the hospital, I worked in the hospital, but I can't stand being away from my family.  I cannot stand the thought of the boys hearing that I am in the hospital and worrying.  We had a full weekend of activities and I was being admitted to the hospital and I couldn't hold the tears back. 

This time, at least, I got to walk to my room.  I crawled in the surprisingly comfortable bed and let them admit me for the second time in the week.  I went to the hospital at 10am and finally by 4pm they had started an IV and started my drip.  First, my mother-in-laws blood ran through my veins.  Four hours later, Babe's blood began to be infused.  Gratefully, I had none of the potential side effects and the transfusions went smoothly.  My parents are convinced I will acquire Babe's chronic allergies, but other than that, no side effects.  By 2 am, the last of the 2 pints was in my body and I waited for the fabulous effects.

During the time I was getting blood, they had me drink contrast for a CT scan that was later cancelled.  Thanks for that extra barium in my body.  Babe took JBS to a baseball lesson and they dropped by to say, "Good-night."  They rushed home so they could make it to our neighborhood movie night on the cul-de-sac and I settled in for the night. 

By 8am the next morning, I hadn't heard from Babe, so I called to check on him.  His barely audible voice on the other end of the line told me it was bad news.  While he sat with me at the hospital around dinner time, he ate a hospital sandwich....the culprit.  He had been up all night with food poisoning and I could hear the desperation in his voice.  Once again, grateful that Gambo and Poppy were at my house taking care of my children, I called our doctor's office to get something to stop the throw-ups...from my hospital bed.

That day was picture day at for both boy's baseball teams.  I am team mom for JBS' team and everything the team needed was sitting on my kitchen counter...all the photo money, photo forms, banner they hold in the picture, line-up cards and time was ticking away.  The nurse wasn't particularly sympathetic to my situation and no doctor had been to see me.  When I realized I just wasn't going to make it, I managed to steer Gambo to our coach's phone number and I was gratefully able to reach him. He graciously drove across town to pick up everything and gave us a sympathetic laugh and said, "It can't get worse!" Funny.

Once that was handled, I moved on to trying to get both boys to their baseball games with Babe hugging the toilet.  Ultimately, Gambo and Poppy took all three boys to the family wedding they were ultimately here to attend.  They loaded everyone up and drove two hours to the wedding for the day. About this time, the nurse gave me Reglan.  It is a stimulant that moves food through the stomach, as the previous night's X-rays told us something was wrong.  Within minutes, I started to have an anxiety attack.  I have had this once before...after I was given Reglan.  It is now confirmed, I will not take Reglan again.  That is a very unsettling feeling with no control over my body, constant anxiety and everyone I wanted to see was somewhere else.  It was a hard couple of hours. In the midst of all this, I had an upper GI scope which revealed bigger problems:  my food wasn't leaving my stomach because it was inflamed and I had a huge ulcer at the exit.  This is my man-made exit s/p surgery ten years ago.  Really?  I thought it couldn't get worse.

The very kind GI doctor that was from my doctor's clinic, came to see me after he did my scope.  He knew I wanted out of there, albeit almost 4pm on Saturday.  He told me I had problems, he would agree to let me go home if I agreed to schedule another Upper GI scope and colonoscopy in a few weeks and take the medicine he was discharging me with.  No doubt I agreed and told him to, "Get the discharge papers started!"

Then, I realized Babe was passed out from Phenergren at home and my in-laws were with my boys two hours away.  I called Gambo and Poppy to swing by the hospital and pick me up as they passed by on their way home.  As it worked out, I was escorted to the curb as they drove up.

The end.  Over and Out.  I have been praying for TOTAL healing every since.  I believe it can happen.  I know it can.  However, for those of you with good health, never ever take it for granted.  It is truly a gift and a gift I would do anything to  have.  Good health for me so I don't have to leave my family again.

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