Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Health Update

After long discussions at home about a possible ENORMOUS reconstructive surgery of my stomach, my husband and I visited Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN....

August 21, 2011

So, we have some good news!  When I had an endoscopy at the beginning of July my GI doctor said he barely touched my ulcer as it was "bleeding like crazy."  After a month of meds, there was no report of bleeding in the endoscopy I had a Mayo Clinic.  I was thrilled to hear this in my follow-up with the GI doctor there.  He was a pretty serious man.  When I said, "That is great news...isn't it?"  He stared at me and I repeated, "That's an improvement, right?"  He smiled and said, "You have lots of room for improvement, but yes, I guess that's an improvement."  He went on to tell me that he believed that if I was on the wagon train to Oregon, I would have made it without a doubt.  He told me that most people in my condition roll in to his office in a wheelchair.  He went on to tell me how bad they looked inside and out. He said I was a very sick girl, yet I looked nothing like them.

That has really stuck with me.  My previous doctor in Tulsa, whom I loved, told me he put me in the "NCS" category of patients....the "Non-Complaining Souls."  I don't say these things because I am trying to be a martyr for the cause or praised for being tough.  I do have pain...and a lot of it.  But, I certainly don't feel close to a wheelchair!  Who wants to be down and out?  I want to be a mom and a good one...and a wife and a friend.  I want to enjoy life!  So, there are probably more days than I will admit that I feel pretty bad.  But, I don't want my disease to define my life.  It didn't click with me until last week.  I have prayed for years, 15 years, for healing.  I know I have had many prayers put up on my behalf from loving family and friends and myself!  On the discouraging days, I sometimes think, "Why can't I be that miracle? God can heal me, so why isn't He?  Why do I have to go thru this?"  Last week made me realize that God IS answering my prayers and I AM a miracle.  I am a miracle in that I am not in that wheelchair Dr. Tremaine mentioned.  I am not miserable.  I am not living my life completely around my disease.  I have had THREE beautiful and healthy boys in the midst of 15 years of a tough illness.  Nobody can tell by looking at me that I am sick.  I have pain, but that can be worked around.  I have found diet as a relief for my pain.  I AM a miracle.  My prayers ARE being answered.  God has heard all those prayers.  I truly believe that those prayers are being answered today.  He is guiding me to this special diet, but I also believe while I have had incredible pain in my life, a lot of pain may have been prevented.

When I left Dr. Tremaines office, I was determined to get him to smile.  As I left him, I turned around and told him that I was, indeed, heading to Oregon and I would see him there.  I am NOT giving up!

He laughed.  Mission accomplished.

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