I mentioned that I would explain grass-fed vs grain fed beef a couple posts back. The first time I ever heard of such a difference was about 3 years ago when my husband and I were on a hot date having a steak dinner. One of the items on the menu was a 4 oz grass-fed steak and a 4 oz grain-fed steak served together to compare. So, we compared. While I had no idea my future held a life of grass-fed beef, the grass-fed beef was, by far, richer in taste, juicier, and more tender. We were sold! It only makes sense that what a cow eats is whats in its muscles. You ARE what you EAT! So, if a cow eats synthetic food, then when you eat a steak, you are eating the synthetic food that fed that cow..antibiotics, hormones, and all! However, cows were created by God to eat grass. Eating grass doesn't hurt you and it certainly doesn't hurt the cow. Cows should be eating grass!
We have since started order all our beef, chicken, and eggs from a local farm that delivers to Houston and the surrounding areas,
Yonder Way Farm. We love them. It is a young family just doing their thing, living off the land and growing healthy food for those of us city-folks who can't do it for ourselves. PLEASE peruse their site and their blog. It is loaded with all sorts of information, including the
Grass vs Grain debate.
If you are lucky enough to live in the Houston area, I would highly recommend ordering your meat from Yonder Way. Your bodies will love and appreciate the REAL THING!
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