I am in Day 3 of my Live-it and I feel like poop. That is to be expected for the first 4-5 days of detoxing. The first time I did this, I vomitted for 4 days straight. I firmly believe I have two issues going on, both of which I can control with diet. I feel that the Candida Overgrowth is what is controlling my life and making me so miserable. My symptoms only intensify after eating sugar (which feeds the yeast). I have yeast infection symptoms, which is not related to Crohn's Disease and that alone makes me believe the Candida still isn't under total control. That is why I am doing this Live-it for a long time. If I can get the Candida under control, I fully believe that my quality of life will dramatically improve.
If you have never done a diet like this there are two reasons for the pukey 4-7 days. First, if you have yeast, your body is literally revolting, as my nutritionist told me. She said that the yeast needs to be fed to live (thus why sugar cravings are a symptom). Yeast only gets fed by sugar and when you eliminate sugar from your diet, the yeast starves and revolts. That is the TOTAL purpose of this diet...to starve every last yeast cell I have. Starve it, kill it and stomp on it for all the agony it has caused! :) The other reason for feeling bad is that by eating all natural/God-made food, my body doesn't have to digest all the hard to digest fats and sugars that it really wasn't built to digest. By freeing those little ATP energy cells up from tough digestion, they can now steer themselves to places in my body that need healing. The body is an amazing thing and it prioritizes its energy use to be so efficient. Food is necessary to sustain ourselves. But when it doesn't have to work so hard in the digestion department, it can go more readily to healing our bodies. When you are in a healing phase, you sleep. Just like being sick. And what needs healing gets worse before it gets better. It sort of reaffirms the healing process to us to know it is working. Right now, my stomach is killing me. I am bloated and in measurable pain and really slow-moving. However, the pain is worth it when I know that in just a few days I will be feeling like a million bucks. It is so important to treat our bodies like temples...what we see and ingest to our brains on TV, what we ingest in our mouths, how we treat our bodies with exercise...
9 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; I Corinthians 6:19
The first time I ate this way, I did the Candida Yeast Diet. There are many versions online and I am going to post on my opinions about each of them and give you my strict diet very soon. Ultimately, the diet I am on is a Yeast-like diet, as there is no sugar consumption at all. No breads, no sugars, no pasta, no rice...and nothing that turns to sugar readily. No potatoes, carrots, juices, fruits. I can't have caffeine, alcohol, vinegar. It seems so daunting at first, but once you find good recipes (which I hope to help you on that) it's really not so bad.
The diet I am on is from the Maximized Living Book, Maximized Living Nutrition Plan. In this book (pictured above) are two plans. An Advanced Plan and a Core Plan. If your body is currently in disease state it is important to start with the Advanced Plan. It just allows extra healing by really simplifying your food intake. My doctor told me to do it for 30 days minimum. I am hoping to stay on the Advanced Plan for much longer. Once you are out of disease state and just wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the Core Plan is your place to be. This book is an excellent resource for how to eat well and gives good explanation as to why we should eat what and why we should avoid other things.
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