For the record...I am NOT a doctor, nor do I claim to be. There is CERTAINLY a place for medicine and also a place to advocate for your own health. Work together with your doctor and find a doctor that places value in a proper diet as a source of healing.
The Gracious Pantry is a great resource for good recipes that are clean. I typically adapt most recipes to accommodate the ingredients I can use since sugar is one I have to avoid. However...this is one of favorite safe places to land when I am looking for clean recipes and resources.
Healing Cuisine by Elise is a HUGE favorite. I actually follow the Maximized Living Diet and so does she. There are two forms of the diet (Advanced and Core) and she does a great job of denoting which recipe is which. Again...all her recipes are great places to start and have REALLY helped me find some things to eat that are really good and really healthy.

Being the sweet-lover that I am, I LOVE
Chocolate-Covered Katie. I do have to adapt most of her recipes, as sugar or sugar-free are not good for me, but so many of her recipes are made with natural sugars like maple syrup, agave, etc. Whenever I have a hankering for sweet, this is where I go!