I never knew the value that Valor would have in so many households. Our story really surprised me….a lot. My oldest son (starting 4th) is a straight A kid. I noticed in 2nd grade that his benchmark exams in reading were dropping, dropping and dropping. He was barely squeaking by at grade level. In first grade he was the top reader in the class! I spoke with his teachers, who seemed to think he had nothing to worry about. By the second semester of his 3rd grade year, his grades in reading were all over the place: 100, 40, 110, 50, 90, 70….seriously erratic. On a hunch that he might have a special kind of ADHD, I put Valor Oil on a paper towel and put it in his backpack. It was STAR testing week. I told him to sniff it if he felt like he needed help focusing. He said he did use it when it came to the reading part and he said it worked. That was all I got from him. And we waited….
On the last day of school, we received his STAR results. My jaw dropped. While I thought I had the wrong child’s report, he meekly said, “It’s terrible, isn’t it mom?” His confidence was so rocked from the issues he was having. Not only was it awesome, he scored in the 99th %ile on Reading Comprehension!! For the two previous years, his math and science were excellent (because he loves those classes), but reading was barely passing. He scored HIGHER than his already high math and science scores. I heard “he is fine!” and “most kids who do so well in math and science, often struggle in reading and writing”…..no one ever saw the signs b.c he doesn’t have behavior issues. Most people think that ADHD comes with disruptions in class. His “Hyper” is clicking a pen or bouncing his knee….lucky for me:) We have since been evaluated formally and he does have a peculiar type of ADHD that affects his executive functioning which entails his reading comprehension.

The confidence he is gaining already is priceless. As for his smarts…they are testing his IQ b.c. they feel that he is actually gifted based on his ability to compensate thus far and regurgitate everything he hears verbatim. Of course I love my baby and will brag on him all day. But the point is this. What a tragedy it would be for a child as smart as he is to get so discouraged, he wouldn’t read, or pay attention in school or think he isn’t smart…who knows what paths that lack of confidence would take. He immediately thought he wasn’t “smart” when in essence he is quite smart….he just has a hard time focusing on long reading passages. I have tears thinking about what could have been. But now tears of JOY knowing I can help him without harmful meds….no meds at all. Just a few good fish and plants:)
The funny thing is as we discuss his issues, I am diagnosing my husband as well. My husband never knew he had an issue growing up, but HE felt he had a hard time with reading comprehension….even still. (Ironically, HE loves to read!) He does the bouncing knee at 90 to nothing all the time…the clicking of the pens…the constant movement, albeit smaller movements. So now, we treat them both. This could bring on an amazing peace in my life I never knew existed:)
SO….the benefits of Valor:
1-Emotional Strength/Confidence
2-Anxiety/Panic Attacks
4-Sleep Apnea/snoring
5-Spinal Adjustments (holds a spinal adjustment longer)
The way we have been using Valor is as a roll on. The little roll-on tip comes with your starter kit with a new tall black lid as well. We just popped (with a firm snap) that roll-on on our Valor bottle and roll it on the base of his skull every morning. I also have a paper towel (b.c its thick and easy to disguise as a tissue) with Valor on it in his backpack. That way, if he is feeling distracted in a moment, he can also reach in his backpack and take a sniff. That way, we don’t have to deal with the nurse and make a scene. He just pretends to wipe his nose. Brains in a bottle I say! ;)
I was just thinking how I wanted to slather him in Valor….and saw there is a Valor Bar Soap as well. For sure on my next order!
Please please feel free to pass these emails on to anyone you know might need them. The ADD thing really pulls at my heartstrings as I KNOW there are so many kids out there that struggle. Kids that may think they aren’t smart because they can’t do what everyone else is doing with ease. It is NOT a smarts thing. I fully believe that DIET is a huge part of controlling ADD/ADHD, but I can attest to the power of the essential oils first hand when used in combination with a healthy diet. Confidence is invaluable.
OmegaGize Ingredients:
Fish Oil, Rice Tocotrienols, Clove EO (Syzygium aromaticum), CoQ10 Kaneka™, German Chamomile EO (Matricaria recutita), Spearmint EO (Mentha spicata), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Mixed Carotenoids, Other ingredients: Gelatin (tilapia), Silicon Dioxide, purified water
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