Frankincense was good enough for Jesus so it has to be good, right!?
Frankincense ranks up there as one of my favorites in the starter kit. As a reminder, the Premium Starter Kit is basically a replacement for your medicine cabinet. You can use each of these oils to handle your basic household needs for meds. It’s remarkable!

2-It will remove brown spots. Basically this is the “bleach” of the oils world. It is common in the YL skin care products to keep the brown spots at bay. (Bosweila Wrinkle Cream ROCKS!)
3-Frankincense is anti-carcinogenic. It literally KILLS cancer cells. This is known in the MD world, too. Google it. There is a doctor at OU, in fact, that is studying it in the use of cancer treatment. A friend had a cancerous mole that she was going to have removed. In the meantime, she put Frank on her mole. By the time she got to the doctor appt there were no more cancer cells. Amazing! That said….there are two kinds of Frankincense. Sacred Frankincense is the other kind that is a little more expensive and is said to treat all the same things, but with more intensity. If I was facing cancer or have been thru at and want to prevent reoccurrence, I would definitely get the Sacred Frankincense. For me, being at risk for lymphoma with my meds, I put Frankincense in my pills and take it prophylactically.
4-Frankincense removes Warts. I haven’t done this, but I hear and read over and again. Apply Frankincense to a wart and it will turn black in a couple weeks and fall off with no pain. Worth the shot! (of note, have heard to use Oregano for planters warts)
5- All things skin. I go to Frankincense for all things skin. I have scars, scabs, scratches…Frankincense heals them. Also really great for stretch marks.
6-Immune System Booster.
Brown Spots, Scars, Immune System Booster, Inflammation….apparently the Wise Men were wise enough to know what Mary needed!
You can take Frankincense in a pill, you can rub it on “neat” (no carrier oils) or you can rub on with carrier oils. I often make a concoction of coconut oil (cold-pressed) with Frankincense and Lavender oils. I use it as lotion, i rub it on injuries and scars. Coconut oil is anti-fungal, and soothes the skin. Frankincense heals and prevents and Lavender soothes. Always remember that oils MUST go in glass or stainless steel. The oils are so concentrated that they will pull the carcinogens out of the plastic and into your water or mixture.
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