Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 40, Really? (Part 6)

February 15, 2010

I cannot believe I am on Day 40 of no yeast and no sugar.  When people hear I am on this diet, they say, "Oh, I could never make it without bread."  My friends, it is so much worse than that!  Yeast is fed by yeast and by sugar.  So, I have literally had to starve the yeast to get rid of it.  Absolutely no cheating, because any "food" the yeast gets, allows the yeast to gain control of my body again and I just am not having it!  Absolutely nothing with yeast and sugar.  No salt, pepper, caffeine, alcohol, vinegar, gluten.....I am sure there are more restrictions.  I live on chicken, certain whole wheat pastas, certain brown rices and praise the good Lord for making cream cheese without yeast or sugar.  Things taste good to me now that I would never have liked before!  I cook with garlic, onions and bell peppers constantly to add flavor to my food.

Since I last posted, I had to return to Phase One eating for 5 days to allow for more healing in my body.  A "Healing Crisis", as I mentioned once before is where you feel the pain that is being healed.  It is amazing.  I recently had a tubal ligation and on several occassions I told my mom, "My fallopian tubes hurt!"  Audra told me it was my most recent surgery and I would feel that pain again and I sure did. Now, it is completely gone.  We are 99% certain the yeast is dead in my body after eating this way so long.  I do have one symptom that is still healing, one of my original symptoms that caused me to think I had a problem.  As she pointed out, it has been medicated and treated for almost 5 years now so it is taking time to detox those cells, draw out the impurities from medicine, and the yeast and heal itself.  I thought it would never go away and this week, I can tell a huge difference.

I added a potato back again without a problem.  Today, I get to add YEAST BREAD!  Are you kidding me?  Why is it 4:45pm and I haven't made the amazing recipe for French Toast in my book?  I didn't have the right bread...100% Whole Grain.  I had 100% Whole Wheat and I don't want to make any mistakes at this point.  I am also allowed 1 TBSP of 100% pure Maple syrup.  I am so excited.  Something sweet!

Tuesday and Wednesday I will be back to veggies only preparing for my final liquid detox on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  Then, this sick sister will hopefully be sick no more, thoroughly detoxed and yeast-free.  Praise the Lord.  I can't believe that after all these years of increasing pain that this has changed my life.

So many friends and friends of friends have asked for more information on this diet.  I am going to link my previous posts below, but I also want it to be clear that I paid for supplements and a journal/recipe book and basically a personal coach.  I could not have done this without Audra guiding me every step of the way, telling me "that is normal", "it gets better", "You won't believe the difference in your body when you are done!"  I have never met Audra in person, but I love her.  I talk to her daily on the phone or via text, voice or e-mail.  She has supported me the whole way through!

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