Thursday, August 20, 2015

God Moments: Amazing Prayer (Part Two)

From that first night of prayer, I mentioned that two things happened.  First was the Refiner's Fire moment and second was my own vision.  As we were praying, my friend asked me what I saw.  This is an eyes closed vision.  What was in my head?  All I could imagine about going home was sitting on the front porch watching my boys play football together.  Ahhhh....pure bliss.

Every time we have moved, I always look out the window and visualize me sitting there watching my kids play.  Even before we had kids, I was pregnant and we were looking at houses.  While we looked at the house we ended up buying, I stood in the utility looking over the desk (the desk that would be mine) and out the back window and I could see my future child(ren) playing in the back yard.  I had that same serene feeling when we moved to this house. Our front yard is large and perfect for the boys to play ball.  It's a very happy vision for me.

As he was praying for me, he asked me what I saw while I prayed.  What was I seeing in my head?

When I told him what I saw, he probed a little more and asked what else I saw.  I saw my dog, Mona :) He asked me this time if I was IN the scene.  I told him I was on the porch swing looking out, but I could not see myself in the picture.  He asked that I put myself in the scene and then asked what I was doing.  I was playing football, of course. 

"Anything else?  What else do you see?" He asked.  What stood out to me most were big rays of light coming down thru my trees that shone on my yard.  It was warm and relaxing.  I was certainly not poetic at describing what I saw, but I felt the warmth, the peace and I could hear their laughter.  That was my happy place.

He told me to keep that vision in my sights until I got home.  You better believe I did.  Any time I had a painful procedure or had a hard day missing home, I just held on to that vision of us playing football together in the front yard....with the beautiful light coming down between the trees.

Fast forward several weeks....Praise God, it was my first week home!  I was sitting on the porch with Babe, enjoying the moment being home and with my family.  Then it hit me....THIS was my vision.  THIS was my picture that I clung to in the hospital, down to the rays of light in my front yard.   Even as I describe it here, I don't feel that words do it justice.  This vision was from the Lord and in just a few days of being home, here it was before me exactly as I had pictured it in the hospital.  Exactly.

Through all the ups and downs, God has been present.  Present in a variety of ways, but little things that I feel were a "promise."  Maybe everyone doesn't see it as I do, but I know.  I know He is there and guiding my every step.  Life has changed considerably for me since my hospital stay.  My perspective is wider.  I don't get flustered with the little things...or the big things.  I appreciate walking, having good lung capacity, no pain, laughing with friends, playing with my kids, even cleaning my house.  What a joy to have a house to clean!

God is certainly present and this moment, this picture, was Him just winking at me saying, "I've got this!"  And I am so glad He does.

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