I have had a twenty year battle with my health that started when I was in college and progressively got worse resulting in multiple abdominal surgeries, loads of pain, tears & worry. A few years ago I started a blog, MyIntestine-mony ( when I felt the Lord’s leading to share my story. I was fighting tooth and nail against my doctors and their seemingly “rote” treatment of Crohn’s and any auto-immune disease….steroids, painkillers, immune-suppressants and more pain killers. I started to advocate for my own health when their methods weren’t working for me. On their path, I WOULD be in the wheelchair they predetermined for me and I would NOT be the mom I am today to my 3 beautiful boys. I learned about changing my diet to heal my body and was turned on to the natural world of healing. Coming from a girl who was trained in the medical model, this was a BIG step. HUGE.
But after only 3 days of eliminating sugar from my diet, my entire life changed. The joint pain, the stomach pains (of all kinds), the brain fog, food intolerances, the allergies, the bloating, the skin irritations….everything in my body fell silent. I was a changed girl. Natural healing worked for me with additional time and I had the power to heal myself without painkillers with objective measurements to prove it. My next lab results stupefied my doctors. There was something to this!
I am not perfect. I still love sugar and because of that, I go back and forth in how I feel based on my diet. But I am armed with knowledge. My experience is that doctors don’t tell their patients how to heal their bodies naturally. Many doctors don’t know themselves. Along my natural path to healing I discovered Essential Oils
when a friend suggested I use Thieves Oil for a clogged salivary gland. After weeks of my dentist’s remedies and a future of lancing it, I was game! Within 3 days it was healed. Gone. Never returned.
Essential oils aren’t new. In fact, they are as old as the hills! They were gifts to Jesus when He was born…..surely THAT shows how valuable they were. People have used oils thru out history. In fact, many of the essential oils are IN our products today. They are just so diluted with mineral oil and water to “puff” them
up in order to make more money for their creators. There really is no argument that essential oils work. By using Essential Oils alone, you are getting the purest form of healing from plants that God provided for us for that very reason.
…and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.” Ezekiel 47:12
I never intended to be selling Essential Oils. I refer to it as my unintended plan, as it seems it might have been God’s plan. The more healing I have experienced, the more I have shared. When I share, more people come forward with their needs for healing. I am NOT alone in my fight for my health. Our bodies are overloaded with
toxins from our foods: preservatives, pesticides, fertilizers and our personal care products: shampoos, toothpaste (label says to consult poison control of swallowed!), lotions, etc. All those toxins are too much for our livers and they are stored in fat cells when there are too many toxins for our body to handle. Sixty percent
of our brain is fat. Hmmmm…..I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to practice medicine, but I wonder if that has anything to do with the sudden onset of Alzheimers and depression and neurological disorders in our population? Among so many other symptoms that we all have on a regular basis…migraines, Fibromyalgia,
numerous GI disorders, Auto-Immune Diseases and so many more.
I am an Occupational Therapist turned Mom turned Stationery Company Owner and Fighter for Good Health. I didn’t wish myself into bad health, but I prayed myself into healing. For years I have wondered just how God was going to answer the many prayers going up for me from so many precious people who loved me and my family. I think He has given me the knowledge and the power by using HIS gifts of natural healing on this Earth. I have the tools and the knowledge. It is just a matter of time and patience. Praise the Lord!
I share Essential Oils from the bottom of my heart. The pain I have endured is indescribable and nothing I would wish on any human being. I want to share my story of healing with anyone who will listen and anyone who needs to hear it. I know there is a place for medication. But for me and for my family, we prefer a natural
remedy to be our first line of defense. And MAN, are they great defenses. We have learned this over and over again.
Please feel free to use this information to pass on to friends
and share with those who need to hear it. The greatest thing about Essential Oils is that there is only upside. There are no side-effects. There are no gimmicks. There is simply healing. Testimony after testimony proves it.