Reposted from: Delicious Obsessions
52 Uses for Coconut Oil
- Eat a spoonful when you need an energy boost.
- Use it as the base for a homemade body scrub.
- Use to condition your wooden cutting boards.
- Use as a super conditioner on your hair (apply to dry hair, leave in as long as possible and then shampoo as normal).
- Use as a styling agent if you have really dry hair. Just rub a tiny bit on your palms and apply to your hair and style as normal.
- Keep a little container in your purse for lip moisturizer.
- Add a spoonful to your dog or cat’s food. CO is great for our furry friends!
- Replace nasty, unhealthy vegetable oils in your cooking and baking with CO.
- Make healthy Magic Shell ice cream topping.
- Use it for oil pulling (learn about oil pulling here).
- Use a tiny dab on your underarms for a natural deodorant.
- Use coconut oil instead of shaving cream.
- Add to your bath tub for a moisturizing soak (a drop of peppermint oil is wonderful!).
- Use as a makeup remover.
- Use it to help sooth chicken pox, shingles, or other rashes or skin irritations.
- Use it to treat athlete’s food, ringworm, or other fungal or yeast infections.
- Take a spoonful with your vitamins to help improve absorption.
- Spread a thin layer on cuts or burns to speed up healing.
- Take up to 5 spoonfuls per day for improved thyroid function.
- Add a spoonful to your smoothies for extra nutrition and flavor (here, here, andhere).
- Use on the delicate tissue around your eyes to help prevent wrinkles and sagging.
- Use as the base for homemade toothpaste or lotion.
- Use in place of massage oil.
- Use on your baby’s diaper rash or cradle cap.
- Use to help reduce visibility of stretch marks or to prevent stretch marks.
- For nursing mothers, use coconut oil on your nipples to prevent cracking and irritation.
- For nursing mothers, consuming coconut oil will help increase your milk flow.
- Apply to bee stings or bug bites to soothe and heal the wound.
- Women can use in the nether regions to relieve yeast infections, dryness, and/or discomfort.
- Eat a spoonful with each meal to improve digestion.
- If you’re prone to nosebleeds, coat the inside of your nostrils with coconut oil regularly.
- Helps soothe and heal hemorrhoids.
- Take to helps reduce or eliminate migraines.
- Use as the base for homemade vapor rub.
- Mixed with peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary, or tea tree oil makes an excellent insect repellant.
- Mix with baking soda for a non-toxic “Goo Gone”.
- Use to help detox the body during a cleanse or fast.
- Use as a metal polish, but always test a small area first.
- Use as a leather moisturizer.
- Season your cast iron pans.
- Use to oil your pans and baking dishes instead of pan spray.
- Got gum stuck in your hair? Try using coconut oil to remove without cutting your hair.
- Use instead of WD-40.
- Use as a personal lubricant (not safe with latex).
- Take a spoonful to help with heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion.
- Use as a natural sunscreen.
- Mix with a tiny bit of fresh lemon juice and use as a furniture polish (always test a small area first!).
- Mix with butter and toss your popcorn in it.
- Use on cracked or rough heals to help smooth them out.
- Massage into your nails and cuticles to help strengthen them.
- Use as the base for homemade chocolate candy (like peanut butter cups).
- Take a couple spoonfuls every day to help overall immune function.
Now, go get some coconut oil! :)